A few listening suggestions before you get started…
A quick note …all of Season 1 has been moved to archive status …info below on how to listen :)
Each episode has:
an audio file (the podcast)
a supporting gallery (these are pictures or short documents directly discussed in the episode)
another file of supporting documents (which contain historical research, documents and pictures for areas that may not have been directly discussed in length during the episode). These are stored on our cloud drive.
Please note that our episodes fall into several categories:
Latest - this is the most recent episode published and will be the easiest experience for you (so yes, you should stay current and listen before the next episode is released :). This episode will have a slideshow gallery loaded on the website with an easy link to it from the episode documents page. There will also be another link that takes you to our cloud drive for the other supporting documents.
Recent - These are the most recent published episodes (incl the latest one) and will still have direct audio links on the website. In other words you will not be taken to our cloud drive to load the audio file. The episode gallery though will now be a cloud drive link as will the supporting documents. This will still be fairly easy to listen to, although you will have to set up your own slideshow effect by opening up each picture as it is discussed.
Archive - These are episodes older than the most recent ones and will no longer have a direct audio link on the website. All access (podcast, gallery and supporting documents) will be stored on our cloud drive. You will still have links on this website for these features; however, they will direct you to that remote site. Note that you likely will have to download the audio file and then play it on whatever software you have that plays mp4 files. You can still access and play these files, it just takes a bit more work on your side.
If you have any access issues please feel free to contact us - blacktopaudiollc@gmail.com - we can help :)
Suggestions for the Latest Episode (and you can easily take these and adapt them for Recent and Archived episodes)
Do a quick preview of the gallery and supporting documents before listening - that way you have a good idea of where the conversation is going
Once you click “play” on the episode, click the “quick access” link to get to the supporting files page. Note that this will open in a separate page to ensure your audio file continues to play.
Then you can open the episode gallery and click through the images one at a time as they are discussed.
Please do not forget to comment on the episode and leave us some feedback - and send along any questions you have either for us or the primary source. We will get them answered on our addendum episodes :)
Reference Page
While each episode has its own set of supporting documents and photos, there are also some more general reference documents available on this page. These documents either apply across a range of episodes, may be more easily printed as a whole to view or are genealogical reference documents. Where possible or useful we have indicated relevant episodes to which these documents apply. Please keep in mind that some of these do include very detailed personal information and are strictly for use by persons who have password access to the site. They should be treated as confidential information if printed and stored or retained with that in mind.